
The Legacy of the Gods


(Die Sage vom Vermächtnis von den Göttern)


A Long, Convoluted, Epic, Melodramatic Mess of a Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (1st edition) Campaign.


Last In-Game Date

Jahrdrung 17th, 2519 (2/17/2519 IC) - Night after Uhlrik's departure from Schloß Drache.

What Is It?

Well, rather, what was it? The Legacy of the Gods was a long-running WFRP campaign. It began in roughly 1991 and continued (with only occasional gaps and one longish one) until 2003. As of 2009 the campaign began again, briefly, but at this point the odds of it starting again are remote. This is a history and general wiki pertaining to the campaign. As ever for any wiki, this site is very much a work in progress.


Some of the protagonists and major supporting cast, depicted as cartoon characters because Hal is cruel.


Disclaimer the first: Naturally, everything on this site is strictly fictional. If you can't tell the difference between that and reality, then you need to change your meds.


Disclaimer the second: Given how very long this campaign has run (and the fact that it began when the players were in either middle school or high school), many of the portions of this campaign were filled with events and backstory at which the players, with our increased maturity and experience, now cheerfully cringe. They were great fun for a bunch of teenagers at the time, however, and we'd like to think that the campaign itself helped us come to the realizations that led to our games growing up a bit. The campaign itself has certainly profited from the protracted experience.


A Note On Who Played What: The Legacy of the Gods campaign began with two players (arguably, one player and a GM) operating in a sort of mixed troupe-style play (to borrow and slightly mangle a term from Ars Magica and White Wolf) where each of the players (yes, the GM too) had at least one character (Uhlrik for Hal, Derelek and then Thrudd too for Ryan) that was purely their own and the remainder were more or less shared. Just as Ryan departed for the nether-realms of Iowa, Mark and Drew became interested in joining the game and took over preexisting characters rather than creating new ones. Within a fairly short span, all of the "communal" characters had been acquired by single regular players, and only Uhlrik remained as something of a GMPC. This established a pattern that was followed for some time, though it has since been abandoned: if a player left the game due to moving away or similar, they would have the option of leaving their character available to be taken over by a new player. This practice was discontinued when Ricky Burnett (Cedric's third player) and Larissa Hushbeck (Richelle's second) left the game - all players that joined subsequently (Matt Small and Winston Lockridge) were required to bring in original characters from that time forth, and "orphaned" characters were gradually sidelined and either relegated to supporting NPC cast or eliminated. Also, having NPC companions to the PC party has long been a tradition in the playgroup that ran this campaign, as players became attached to various NPCs or as we had to accomodate solo adventures etc.


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